Saturday, January 31, 2009
This site may harm your computer
Google fails badly today in its search results.. Someone screwed up.. :) What happened?

Friday, January 30, 2009
My Team was busy getting ready for a demo and we tend to forget to keep things tidy. So this is how we were looking on the way. :-) I got to admit that I'm getting lazier day be day to write. Too many images in recent times. If you have a say on which was the messiest (left/right), do let me know. Or someone has a tip or two. Happy Weekend...
P.S: Powered by Microsoft Paint.
Recession and Indian Mangers
I was watching someone wait in the queue to collect his bowl of cut fruits. Soon it arrived and he asked, "Oh! Can I have some honey?" Immediately came the reply from the shop keeper, "Recession Sir". I could not control my laugh. He barely was able to pronounce the word and he takes that as an excuse. Such is the situation everywhere, not many are sure how tomorrow is gonna be. My friends say, they have butterflies flying when their Manager or HR calls them for a meeting.
India is a cost effective development center for many MNC. But the crisis is so bad that even the cost effective centers seems costly. So each companies handle recession in their own degree.
- Layoff Employee. Clean up unwanted workforce even though they are completely in control of their economic position.
- Have mandatory unpaid in a month.
- Going Green.
- No free food or lavish party or Sal hikes.
- No allowances for travel, internet connection and hardware.
- Shutdown or Suspend projects.
I heard an interesting case, where few employees are selected in their organisation. Each one is given mini project (may be a research enigma) and asked to complete it in 30 days. In successful completion they get a chance to stay with the company, else they are laid off. :) I was wondering what great ideas people get.
One other situation is where, they know that the employee will not quit his job since the situation is bad everywhere. So they decide to take everything out of him/her in this period. More assignments and stringent dead lines. Remember: If you can write a component in 5 days, it never would be possible to build the same in 2 days since we are in recession. (It will take 10
months to deliver a baby). Hoping on Obama's bill for some improvement. But we are sure for a rough 2009. Hope this will pass away. So I asked Sankaranpillai for some advice to improve the situation.
Me: Mr. Pillai, how can we improve the situation?
Pillai: Ask every to mangers to code if they are not already doing?
Me: Ah! :O Can you tell more about it?
Pillai: Kanna, well its simple. Allocate 50% of managers time for coding. Ask them to cut the meeting that they were doing all the time. So 2 managers is 1 developer. More workforce at the same cost.
Post Disclaimed...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Winner is...
Ok, Now that I have some time in hand. I will say, who gets to fill their belly for what does "V stands for". First Thanks to everyone of the entry. I'm glad. Also to take a neutral stand, I asked my friend to judge this. Thanks to her. Amudhan was lucky with this "Varutha padatha Vaalibar Sangam". :) Amudhan is a friend and a fellow blogger who writes here here and here.
Well, I read lot of good posts around me. Apart from some of them I share in my reader, here are few in the month of January..
Poem: A Quick love by Neha
On a Bored Evening... by Sankar
Can’t girls talk about beards? by Revathi
He,Ne,Ar,Kr and Xe. by Abirami
The biggest secret of Photography from DPS
Flickr stream of Arun
Flickr pool from BWS
I got lot more, but I need to refactor some code. :) Take care...
That's my blog url's unique name. Two years back, when blogger asked me a unique name for my blog I tried numerous number of times for a nice name that matches me. Unfortunately I was late. But finally I decided to stick on to 'hsejiv', If you have ever wondered where I got this. Its nothing but the reverse of my name. In short strrev("vijesh"); Now finally I have got the same printed in my t-shirt. Thanks to those guys who carried it all the way from Goa. :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
IRCTC again
In the republic day quiz at office they asked, what does IRCTC stands for? Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited. This year many of the holidays fall either on a Monday or Friday. So effectively for souls like me I would get change to be at home for 3 continous days. (but for that first you should plan to go..) You need to book ticket for these weekends as soon as ticket booking opens 90 days in advance in train.
But be carefull when you book at real crunch times. Take this scenario.
7:45: Out of bed, ticket booking opens at 08:00 hrs.
7:50: Logged into IRCTC site. Waiting...
7:59: Ok, I remember the details and I will type everything fast and say book.
8:00:30: Ok started typing and clicked book.
8:05: Try again
8:07: Logoff
8:09: Login again. :)
8:10: Show availability of tickets.. It said WL 120.
Thanks to Srihari to debug and find this design issue. Problem was... Once you Login, the client browser pulls the system time and stores it. So Login into IRCTC at 7:50 is same even after 10 minutes. The clock does not ticket. So it fails on the client side validation on the browser. Ideally, it should be tied up with Sys Clock after getting the initial time from server. Fix it boss. Work around for now is to refresh the browser.
Friday, January 23, 2009

A strained throat
Those Crippled hands
Migraine head
Broken keyboard
Unpacked bags
Charged batteries
Manirathnam movies
Da Vinci Code, Kuran
and Bible
Not You, Not me.
Yeah, not him too.
Migraine head
Broken keyboard
Unpacked bags
Charged batteries
Manirathnam movies
Da Vinci Code, Kuran
and Bible
Not You, Not me.
Yeah, not him too.
Monday, January 19, 2009
No Title
Here are some of the replies other readers gave.
P.S: The below list will auto refresh with your options. This post contains two embedded frames. Best viewed in a Browser.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Not again
Winter chillness coils me
Don't remember where those
Blue pullovers are!
Lingering in last night thoughts
I turn around
You were an early bird that day
Stretching, You say
I told Amma, I will not come
I grin
Sliding down to the edge
You untie your hair to tie it
I felt the warmth
I asked, how did it change?
Can I rephrase "happiness" in Webster?
Not this place again
Not this direction again
Not this hangover again
Not again
Don't remember where those
Blue pullovers are!
Lingering in last night thoughts
I turn around
You were an early bird that day
Stretching, You say
I told Amma, I will not come
I grin
Sliding down to the edge
You untie your hair to tie it
I felt the warmth
I asked, how did it change?
Can I rephrase "happiness" in Webster?
Not this place again
Not this direction again
Not this hangover again
Not again
Friday, January 16, 2009
Restart Blogging
Off lately I was banging my head reading ASCII chart and gdb. But Its fun you know. Also was trying out pair programming for two days and seems to work out of the given problem. Tried venting out in a coffee break conversation all about Blogging with a friend.
I started blogging almost 2.5 years back. Made around 200 post. I don categorise on what I write, I just write all the junk I feel like. I write when I feel liking. Also got to confess that adherent follower of Blogger platform. During this whole journey, had formed small sets of blogger around me reading and exchanging comments and reviews. But today I was reminded of all the old bloggers I knew. I thought of saying them a "hi" and give them a nice whip on the butt to re-start blogging. Oh yeah! I know everyone is either busy at work or married. Still give it a thought. Here are some of them... If someone is really think to rethink. Let me know. :)
kim - antony - arula - rashmi - tom - harish - vivek - JK - Karthikeyni - Yeskay - Lakshmi - Rohith - Reghu - Karthi - Gopal - Ramya - Rajeev - Ramki - Bairavi - Anitha - Smitha - Haarish - Madhu
This laptop is running of charge, I need to rush. Happy Birthday Rohit. Wishing you all the glamour and get ................ :-)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
தை பொங்கல் வாழ்த்துக்கள்
பொங்கல் (Pongal) traditionally a harvest festival for farmers. People like me in the city do not have space to farm. Its usually celebrated with family by cooking Pongal (a sweet dish made of jaggery and rice). Also famous for chewing sugarcane. அம்மா says its good for the tooth. Kolam - a line swirling around sequence of dots in front of the house. Usually done using powered rice to feed the ants. Also I remember its a pride for the home maker of the house make the largest kolam. But time has changed now. I need to head to a South Indian restaurant to get sweet pongal. Also noticed some nice kolam in my street, with the final rays of sun remaining I had some time to click them.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Google Card
Yes, My Google Card is ready. Apparently, my Dad told this to me. I nicked this idea from Kiruba, but I'm not going to print one. Be it someone is searching me to code or to get some portrait done or even as a groom. Now all they need to do is type in the 6 character name in the empty text box and say search. 0.07 seconds it lists almost everything. Try it!
Should I be happy that someone can reach me faster or be sad about my tranparent online identity?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Newyear Resolutions patch 0.1
[root@term root]# diff -Naur oldresol.txt newresol.txt
--- oldresol.txt Mon Jan 01 11:44:26 2009
+++ newresol.txt Mon Jan 12 11:53:14 2009
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Resolution: dict said.. a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner; Usage: "he always wrote down his New Year's resolutions"
- * No coffee and tea for this year. I know that's unrealistic. So its 2 per month.
+ * Little coffee and tea here and there for this year. After all the whole purpose of why I want to avoid them is done now. :-P
* Do not use the office lift. Take the steps. (My Tech Lead and Evolution hacker would be happy)
* Try to go out with BWS.
* Less vacation. Going home is not a vacation.
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
* Will talk more.
* Make 2009 a bigger and better year for my lens. 2008 was sensational.
* Maintain my blog, cubicle and cupboard well.
- * Despite 2008 being a fabulous year, I will not be looking back into it. Its all written down "unnamed" and safely boxed. Photos, Videos, Blog Post, Conversations, phone calls, sms, drives and what so ever can be tagged as 2008.
+ * Despite 2008 being a fabulous year. I guess its just another year. I might reconsider this.
* Hit the gym occasionally.
* Spend some time for me!
+ * Monitor my spending well. (Its recession now)
Well, I will also add an exception clause for the above. I may not follow any of the above based on Bangalore traffic and the number of idlies I eat. Already over ruled by tagging this post 'Personal'.
--- oldresol.txt Mon Jan 01 11:44:26 2009
+++ newresol.txt Mon Jan 12 11:53:14 2009
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Resolution: dict said.. a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner; Usage: "he always wrote down his New Year's resolutions"
- * No coffee and tea for this year. I know that's unrealistic. So its 2 per month.
+ * Little coffee and tea here and there for this year. After all the whole purpose of why I want to avoid them is done now. :-P
* Do not use the office lift. Take the steps. (My Tech Lead and Evolution hacker would be happy)
* Try to go out with BWS.
* Less vacation. Going home is not a vacation.
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
* Will talk more.
* Make 2009 a bigger and better year for my lens. 2008 was sensational.
* Maintain my blog, cubicle and cupboard well.
- * Despite 2008 being a fabulous year, I will not be looking back into it. Its all written down "unnamed" and safely boxed. Photos, Videos, Blog Post, Conversations, phone calls, sms, drives and what so ever can be tagged as 2008.
+ * Despite 2008 being a fabulous year. I guess its just another year. I might reconsider this.
* Hit the gym occasionally.
* Spend some time for me!
+ * Monitor my spending well. (Its recession now)
Well, I will also add an exception clause for the above. I may not follow any of the above based on Bangalore traffic and the number of idlies I eat. Already over ruled by tagging this post 'Personal'.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Mobile Stats
I stopped capturing those packets and was day dreaming. My thought was grazing, I recollected my area of interest, In a grocery store when a customer buys bread there is more probability that he/she will also buy jam. So keeping those items close by will make more customers buy it. This is a simple association rule. One can analyze raw data and conclude on patterns. Meanwhile I received my mobile bill statement. It was interesting to look at the stats in it. I started Analyzing...
Local HH:MM:SS 02:27:02
STD HH:MM:SS 03:06:42
ISD HH:MM:SS 00:37:02
Total HH:MM:SS 06:10:46
This data seems to be fair. I got more people to talk outside the city I work. Also those dear one's who are across borders and sea2.
SMS - Local Messages 24
SMS - National Messages 6
These are spent in sending those forwards. Thanks peeps! You din get annoyed by my request. I guess I wont need them any more. :-)
National Roaming HH:MM:SS 10:15:47
Ah! Here is the twist. My total local talk time was 06:10:46 which is 4 hours less. I had been traveling so much? Actually not much. I had been off to wish this couple and celebrate time at home. I guess it would plunge this month, unless I make it to the annual get together vacation.
Next, I browsed thro all my contacts and picked up those probable contacts, I would have sms'ed or called. I did a search to see hit rate. (Hit Rate: Call+SMS)
Rank #1 - 140
Rank #2 - 77
Rank #3 - 34
Interesting again, Rank #2 is only half of Rank #1. Special Thanks to #1 and #2. Contrasting people! They made sure the month is not boring. Rank #3 is a median of several winners in the close proximity. Did you read your bill?
Local HH:MM:SS 02:27:02
STD HH:MM:SS 03:06:42
ISD HH:MM:SS 00:37:02
Total HH:MM:SS 06:10:46
This data seems to be fair. I got more people to talk outside the city I work. Also those dear one's who are across borders and sea2.
SMS - Local Messages 24
SMS - National Messages 6
These are spent in sending those forwards. Thanks peeps! You din get annoyed by my request. I guess I wont need them any more. :-)
National Roaming HH:MM:SS 10:15:47
Ah! Here is the twist. My total local talk time was 06:10:46 which is 4 hours less. I had been traveling so much? Actually not much. I had been off to wish this couple and celebrate time at home. I guess it would plunge this month, unless I make it to the annual get together vacation.
Next, I browsed thro all my contacts and picked up those probable contacts, I would have sms'ed or called. I did a search to see hit rate. (Hit Rate: Call+SMS)
Rank #1 - 140
Rank #2 - 77
Rank #3 - 34
Interesting again, Rank #2 is only half of Rank #1. Special Thanks to #1 and #2. Contrasting people! They made sure the month is not boring. Rank #3 is a median of several winners in the close proximity. Did you read your bill?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Hi Malini
If you think I'm serious and this place is boring you. Just listen to this, I stumbled upon this one. Unfortunately the Author is unknown. But I owe him a beer/coffee!
Koundamani as Malini
Vadivelu as Malini
Koundamani as Malini
Vadivelu as Malini
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Movie Review: Ghajini
The movie meet its hype and expectations!
A movie that was spoken about so much during the post production was Ghajini. Ghajini is a re-make of Tamil movie கஜினி which was indeed a inherited version of Hollywood's Memento. But still Hollywood had its own class. This movie starring Aamir Khan and Asin had the same story line as its predecessors except the last 20%. Not just the story line its almost the exact same scene and dialogue. Even with my linguistic disabilities I was able to follow the whole movie. Aamir khan efforts at Gym has proved worth it. A perfect 10 for his abs. In my personal opinion Aamir Khan failed as an entrepreneur Sanjay Singhania. Its hard to visualize an MD wearing short sleeved formal shirts talking in the board meeting. He does NOT carry the charm of that role.
Guzarish: A killing Song... :-) :-P
BGM is a big plus to the movie. A R Rehman has once again proved and made me hymn the tune often. The cinematography of the songs are also good. Next big plus is the stunts in the movie. Be it the chasing scene or where he meets a bunch of rowdies, the stunts are done with good camera tricks and angles. Which apt fully matches his physic. Credits to the stunts team.
With all said you should not take your Girl Friend or Wife to the movie, you want to know why?
A movie that was spoken about so much during the post production was Ghajini. Ghajini is a re-make of Tamil movie கஜினி which was indeed a inherited version of Hollywood's Memento. But still Hollywood had its own class. This movie starring Aamir Khan and Asin had the same story line as its predecessors except the last 20%. Not just the story line its almost the exact same scene and dialogue. Even with my linguistic disabilities I was able to follow the whole movie. Aamir khan efforts at Gym has proved worth it. A perfect 10 for his abs. In my personal opinion Aamir Khan failed as an entrepreneur Sanjay Singhania. Its hard to visualize an MD wearing short sleeved formal shirts talking in the board meeting. He does NOT carry the charm of that role.
Guzarish: A killing Song... :-) :-P
BGM is a big plus to the movie. A R Rehman has once again proved and made me hymn the tune often. The cinematography of the songs are also good. Next big plus is the stunts in the movie. Be it the chasing scene or where he meets a bunch of rowdies, the stunts are done with good camera tricks and angles. Which apt fully matches his physic. Credits to the stunts team.
With all said you should not take your Girl Friend or Wife to the movie, you want to know why?

Thursday, January 1, 2009
படித்ததில் பிடித்தது
அன்றொரு நாள் அம்மாவைக் கேட்டேன்,
"என்ன ஆகும் எனது வாழ்க்கை?"
கலைந்த தலையை காதோரம் ஒதுக்கி -
அம்மா சொன்னாள் அன்று,
உன் போல் நானும் பூச்சுமந்து நின்றதில்
நினைவே மிச்சம் -
வாசலில் போட்ட கோலம்
வழிபோக்கர் மிதிக்கலாச்சு,
கனவுகள் வேண்டாம் பெண்ணே!
நிஜங்களின் நிறங்களை ரசிக்க
நீயேனும் கற்றுக் கொள்க.
"என்ன ஆகும் எனது வாழ்க்கை?"
கலைந்த தலையை காதோரம் ஒதுக்கி -
அம்மா சொன்னாள் அன்று,
உன் போல் நானும் பூச்சுமந்து நின்றதில்
நினைவே மிச்சம் -
வாசலில் போட்ட கோலம்
வழிபோக்கர் மிதிக்கலாச்சு,
கனவுகள் வேண்டாம் பெண்ணே!
நிஜங்களின் நிறங்களை ரசிக்க
நீயேனும் கற்றுக் கொள்க.
2008 to 2009
Resolution: dict said.. a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner; Usage: "he always wrote down his New Year's resolutions"
- No coffee and tea for this year. I know that's unrealistic. So its 2 per month.
- Do not use the office lift. Take the steps. (My Tech Lead and Evolution hacker would be happy)
- Try to go out with BWS.
- Less vacation. Going home is not a vacation.
- Regularize my Yoga.
- Reduce the post in this blog tagged `Personal`.
- Follow and Cheer for Red Devils.
- Will talk
lessmore. - Make 2009 a bigger and better year for my lens. 2008 was sensational.
- Maintain my blog, cubicle and cupboard well.
- Despite 2008 being a fabulous year, I will not be looking back into it. Its all written down "unnamed" and safely boxed. Photos, Videos, Blog Post, Conversations, phone calls, sms, drives and what so ever can be tagged as 2008.
- Hit the gym occasionally.
- Spend some time for me!
Well, I will also add an exception clause for the above. I may not follow any of the above based on Bangalore traffic and the number of idly's I eat. Already over ruled by tagging this post 'Personal'.
Though the new year was late by a sec, never mind.
Happy New Year dear Readers!
Happy New Year dear Readers!
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