It was Friday October 21st 2005, reminders beeping in Dk's mobile I woke up. Dressed up for office, and was about to start. Something strikes my head, "My dress did not look good". What to do? A change in last minute. Removed my shirt in a flash and took Dk's shirts in the staircase grill and started to button up. Reached office and checked mail, something serious. Yes, I was assigned a critical job to be done on Monday. The approval document was the most frightening thing I have ever read. Lots of formal procedures. Also its was a farewell day!
Clock ticked away, not in a mood to work. So opened my usual stuff's to browse through. Then the buzz began to come to my ears. I could hear lots happening around me, people are busy moving here and there. Then a guy came near me and asked if my packing is ready. :-( no I was not ready to move. I even did not start to pack my things! I knew I had only a few things to pack, so carelessness. Then something happened. Some else was also in my bullpin. I could see those bright eyes. Those bright eyes, bordered with a lining of eye liner. She carried a bunch of papers in her hand. Then a smile stated to spawn in my lips. Some one stood before me, she wore her usual dress. Seeing her soo close of the first time.
I started to work as though, I dint notice her. But something happened someone calling "Vijesh" I turned back. "You are Vijesh right?" I responded immediately "yes". Know what, I even noticed her coming near from my monitor screen. Then as though committed serious to my work, I listened to her instructions. I did not talk back, then she left. Did lighting strike me. I turned back, looking at my monitor I started laughing. Mean while some one asked me something, I replied laughing. Then thought started to fall in my mind, will I be able to talk to her again?
Then I was worried by the frightening document that came on that morning. Then read the document concentrated, humm there struck a clue. What clue? What for? Simple, to talk to her again. Stood up glanced my surrounding. To my surprise it was deserted. No one was there. Then waited and wished she comes back. clock ticked again........ Now could hear papers shuffling around, stood again. Humm there she stood. Then waited for the moment she would come again. Then she came, I said," Excuse me!" oops she did not hear that in the conversion she had. Then again, but still in a louder voice, "Excuse me!" She turned back. I had already framed my question, So I asked it in one flight. She said a little answer. Then I stressed further in my question, then she gave a long sentence as that it would be done. But I noticed that she stammered in between. Humm she stammered!!!
Then new things around me. I knew I would have some change. But it was different after reaching there. It was a silent, remote and dull :(. But the ambiance of light was good and good to have a change too. Then had a little work to be done and finished it. As usual my evening mails were sent. Then with a dull spirit started to cafe with my friends. Then returned back, with smiles all around. Had a nice loud laugh of conversation with my friends. Then plans changed radically. We did not go to BTM that day, else decided a different place to rest. So will be starting my 8.30 cab. Before that I had one job undone, What job? I have to join Gym today. I gained lots of weight after coming to bangalore. So decided to get on some fitness training. Got the NOC from doctor in the afternoon. Then walked to Gym along with Dk... After desperate effort to try to get some help in opening the door. Since the door had an authorised access. Finally a EE entered in, so did we...
Entering in I had a shock of my Life. I saw those bright eyes again. Could stop myself from laughing, So I have to turn back and laughed. She was working out with the help of the instructor. Then I stood there until the instructor arrived near us. During the first time I went to the Gym, my eyes started to explore around and could see nice steel equipments. I can remember them all well. Also the previous time, my food tapped for the music that blasted inside. But this time I was not able to recollect anything except [...]. Then was told to come on Monday for one more fitness test. Left the place with a heart full of memories.
Opps! Whats time now? 1:40 am! What am I dreaming or What? :-)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
The Road Not Taken!
Yes it was the road not taken, still traveling in the same...
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
-Robert Frost
! 02MW39 !
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
-Robert Frost
! 02MW39 !
Monday, October 10, 2005
Queen of Hills! Explored one of its kind!
I cannot write more about this trip...
But could share some photos. May be we will climb them again soon!
Let me introduce them first from left: Ragu, Myself, Sri, Sethu(standing). Its the pine trees behind ragu's house. Great place to hang out. At the foot of the Hill is the grassland. Crossing several pine hills lead to the 6th mile.
This seems to be a nice nature photography from here. But after travelling that FOG it was scary! Have a look at the time 16:50.
It cant get worse than this! Look @ the time 17:50. See the visibility percentage. Bad it was. We came down to the foot of the hill only using certain red danger lights that were before us. Click on the image and look closer @ the comments! :(
I cannot write more about this trip...
But could share some photos. May be we will climb them again soon!

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