Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I'm coming mee :)

Life is moving on.. This year again I will be in Coimbatore. Sorry guys! I miss you! also know how much you would miss me, for all those eggs and those just bake cake.. Whats the deal, You are soo good people! But yeah, I badly wanted to go home. I had been missing her smile and warmth. She also misses me double.. He has been the best for ever.. Also dicussing those small titbits with him that I had known months back is also interesting.. My taste buds are almost in the graveyard with those maggi noodles and fruit bowl.. Its time to give them some life.. I din want to disappoint them.. Paati started making her muruku today.. Amma is all exicted about the menu that she wanted to cook.. Dad as usual would have saved the internet usuage of the month for me.. they are all set for a blast.. 

Also will be hosting two other good friends this time at home.. Would be going to Dhiyanalingam again.. Thats it for now.. God bless!! 

Spinning On...


Nishanth said...

Happy Birthday, Vijesh :) Have a great time at home! And don't forget the birthday cake ;)

Vijesh said...

Thanks Nishanth.. You too have a nice time with appa, amma! Sure will bring them..

Happy Christmas!

Karthik said...

Advanced B'day wishes da!!! Have Fun!!!

Vijesh said...

Thanks Karthi