Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 to 2009

Resolution: dict said.. a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner; Usage: "he always wrote down his New Year's resolutions"
  • No coffee and tea for this year. I know that's unrealistic. So its 2 per month.
  • Do not use the office lift. Take the steps. (My Tech Lead and Evolution hacker would be happy)
  • Try to go out with BWS.
  • Less vacation. Going home is not a vacation.
  • Regularize my Yoga.
  • Reduce the post in this blog tagged `Personal`.
  • Follow and Cheer for Red Devils.
  • Will talk less more.
  • Make 2009 a bigger and better year for my lens. 2008 was sensational.
  • Maintain my blog, cubicle and cupboard well.
  • Despite 2008 being a fabulous year, I will not be looking back into it. Its all written down "unnamed" and safely boxed. Photos, Videos, Blog Post, Conversations, phone calls, sms, drives and what so ever can be tagged as 2008.
  • Hit the gym occasionally.
  • Spend some time for me!
Well, I will also add an exception clause for the above. I may not follow any of the above based on Bangalore traffic and the number of idly's I eat. Already over ruled by tagging this post 'Personal'.

Though the new year was late by a sec, never mind.
Happy New Year dear Readers!


Sankar said...

Good about that lift thing ;-) Who is your techlead btw ?

What is BWS ? I know only BMTC.

When/Where do you go for Yoga ?

And for nitpicking it should be idlies and not idli's . May be u shd've another resolution to buy Wren & Martin ;-) (I also wanted that book so booked in advance in case u r buying)

Vijesh said...

Tecklead ah - Jayanthi. That's a nick name and not a designation.

BWS - Bangalore Weekend Shoot. A Very active Flickr based photographers group that goes for shoots over weekend.

I have completed my "Inner Engineering" at Isha Yoga. Feelin light and better now. Also the Koramangala class starts on 7th Jan if you were interested.

I have a copy at home, will bring it next time. 5thil valiyathathu 50thil valiyathu. :)

Sankar said...

> Jayanthi

Ah. I suspected.

> Yoga

Let us see. Shall discuss in person

> wren&martin

sorry for nitpicking again. Valaiyathathu not valiyathathu - val(a)i and may be "vaLai" is better but too much to ask for.

VV said...

All the best.

Vishnu said...

I liked the one of safely storing your memories.. Very difficult to follow.. All the Best :) Happy New Year.. :D

Vijesh said...

You are already reading them. :) Happy New Year Buddy!

Anonymous said...

No tea...difficult.

Vijesh said...

Welcome.. Its True! I try to live by boost now. :) Also knowing the level of difficulty I added the exception clause.