Monday, October 22, 2007

Black Out

Yes, this would be my first step towards energy saving. Its obvious fact that white pixel (RGB - FFFFFF) consumes more power than dark pixel (RGB - 000000). Hence even Google made its Homepage blacked out for one hour in San Francisco Bay Area. This is an on going effort with lightsoutsf if you fellow bloggers also are interested join us. I will remain like this for some time!

Further on this effort I thinking on ways to save power, I created a custom theme on Gnome that blacked out 80% of my monitor display. Now other applications also have a view like my favorite terminal. What else can you think of saving energy. Open to comments.


Vishnu said...

Switching off the monitor when you are not around :) Just kidding..

Puthali said...

it was the 'its obvious fact' - which attracted my eye...for me nothing is obvious 'n this more would have done you good if you had taken care to doubt your ob fact...
for one, all this came abt due to 'blackle' 'n much has been researched as to how its more a hype thn nething else, considering the whole world is moving towards LCD...
neways u can check out -

for how this whole black funda, just doesnt make ne sense for us LCD users...

use black, 'coz u like black 'n nothing else...da whole energy thing is just crap, if u wanna save power reduce brightness, as vishnu already said - switch off the monitor 'n if u aint running ne critical services, shutdown ur systems before leaving for home!!!

Vijesh said...

Even when working I keep them switched off!

Fine now I will doubt my "obvious fact" and get back with my inference.

damodarakkannan a said...

leave energy saving man, atleast continue for sometime in black back ground itself. it will be a different appealing change for some time, as black is sexy.

Vijesh said...

Thanks dude, Feedback noted!

VV said...

shutting down our systems and switching off our monitors during weekends and nights when not in office will help a lot... :)