Now I say to myself, one of the best decisions I had taken is to go ahead with the trip with my class meets… Since I had earlier thought of pulling from the trip… Most memorable trip in my college days… Lots of enjoyment… sight seeing.. photos… fun…
Every event needs some preparations.. So does this.. Indeed more this time.. This is planned as an Industrial visit officially.. Along with it the other itinerary joins.. We had earlier work cut out lots of days before.. We tried desperately for a company in Delhi or Noida.. But all efforts ended in vain.. Then getting the count for the trip.. After my PS end date.. I had one day to prepare of the trip… within that I had to do my final project presentation.. It was a tight schedule.. But prepared earlier and was able to cope with it..
<>Here is short map that’s planned for the trip… Cbe -> Chennai -> Delhi -> Chandigarh -> Simla -> Manali -> Amristar -> Delhi -> Jaipur -> Agra -> Chennai -> Chennai -> Cbe. Some of most interesting and enjoyable moments of the trip was the train journey.. where we had uno played all through it.. srihari & his map explorations… mysore express… myself and gops photo session… Dum C.. some good videos… 
Then on reaching Delhi.. we went to “1 Akbar road” Indira Gandhi memorial… It was inspirational and patriotic.. She was a great leader.. I wanted to get some snaps.. But its prohibited inside the house.. Delhi being the capital.. It was a clean and good city.. The roads were good as far as we traveled.. The same day evening shopping in ‘karol bagh’ [spelled incorrect]. It was a huge street market.. Everything you would like to get is available.. All you need to get things is not money.. But little Hindi.. and bargaining skills.. we made a quick walk to the end of the market and returned back.. Not pre planed to get chosen things.. Though managed to get few small things..
Then early morning travel to Chandigarh… toughest and most tiring part of the trip is to load and unload 60 odd luggage from the top of the bus.. L To say about chandigarh.. It’s the most planned city and a clean city we could ever visit.. All roads were four lane clean.. and good.. I wished BTM layout also could have plan like the same… J
Then to simla.. The temperature had already started to fall down.. In simla we were able to get some good nature photography.. then the large snake.. the yark.. the painful horse journey [not for me! instead the horse]. Then over night travel to manali.. most tiresome part of the trip.. being tall.. it was hectic to sit in the bus for such a long time.. next day was fortunately a rest day.. spent most of the time in the hotel.. One thing I thought I missed in the trip would be manali shopping.. were some of my friends were able to sketch their name on a grain! That was cute and good..
The same night evening was camp fire.. were we had lots of fun.. but the climate did not allow us to stay long.. still we managed to have fun.. I did not participate much, since I was behind the lens! Next day we went to Rotang pass. It was most steepest hill road I have ever traveled.
Approx it was 13000 ft above sea level… then one the way we had snow on the roads and was not able to proceed further.. then snow.. and snow fighting.. cool snaps.. towards the end bad luck struck a few of us.. we missed the sumo that was supposed to pick us and we went about 1km and had to walk back to find it.. not last but least.. final blow of snow from one of my class meet tore of my lips… returned almost exhausted.. due to time constraint we missed a Buddhist monastery on the way.. early morning we started to amristar.. on hill journey was the most scenic beauty one could ever see.. There was a river that follows us for most of the hill journey..
Later full day travel to Amristar.. Gloden temple was beautiful in both day light and night.. But the streets we took to travel was bad.. next day was “Jallianwala bagh” and Indo-pak border.. It was honor to witness the flag lowering ceremony.. emotions ran high on both ends as the ceremony went on.. we then have to rush out of Punjab border to avoid tax for the next day.. Then to Delhi.. again shopping.. most of them managed to get bags of things.. but I returned empty handed.. first saying I did not have the patience to stand and bargain.. secondly we were tired..
Jaipur was next on the list.. Great places.. with excellent engineering plan, architecture and craft work in the places they lived.. shopping the pink city in the same evening.. managed to get a kurtha this time.. then the final showdown.. Agra and Tajmahal! No wonder its One of the wonders of the world! It was huge and awesome to everyone.. We reached when it was almost dawn.. Now they started to maintain it from pollution.. no vehicles were allowed hear it.. only battery cars take us there.. each part of the architecture was magnificent.. wondering this was done for a women! J
Back in train.. more fun.. nagpur oranges on the way.. Chennai.. awesome food in dk’s house.. nice sleep.. managed to start from Chennai.. despite of cyclone warnings.. so far so good.. ticket checks in train.. flying squad.. raised a few eye brows.. finally everything went smoothly.. what else “Home sweet home!”
Few people to be credited are the bus driver.. He was a machine.. driving all day and night.. Esp the manali route was with twist and turn for every 5th second.. then long plains to amristar.. Hats off to him.. Then the cook who came along with us.. Great food.. made us feel like in home.. kept us all healthy.. Great work from the three guys! Next the person who loaded the luggage’s for us on the bus.. Just lifting itself is tiring job.. Just imagine around 60 luggage’s.. it was not an easy job.. he was strong to that.. next the faculty who accompanied for the trip.. Even thought some of them had visited the places earlier.. they joined us.. and in spite of their inconveniences they managed to support and guide us all along.. thanks to them.. finally the travel agent Senthi ji and Kalidas ji.. were friendly and fun all along the trip.. kaling comedy was great asset all along! J